
Why you need to be on Nostr

Why you need to be on Nostr

The problem is that you lack control…


Apr 3, 2024

Guide to “Good” Nostr Relays (Tor Onions, No Big Tech, & XMR)

Guide to “Good” Nostr Relays (Tor Onions, No Big Tech, & XMR)

Bulk of the relays are same large cloud companies (Cloudflare, Hetzner, & Amazon)


Mar 27, 2024

List of Nostr Relays by Cloud Company

List of Nostr Relays by Cloud Company

You want to post and read from a variety of different companies for decentralization.


Mar 27, 2024

Tor Onion Nostr Guide: Best Apps

Tor Onion Nostr Guide: Best Apps

Tor and Nostr together is amazing for censorship resistance. Let's go over some tools you can use to do this.


Mar 26, 2024

How to Use RebelNet w/ Nostr (Previously Linked-out)

How to Use RebelNet w/ Nostr (Previously Linked-out)

This is a guide to using Nostr with


Mar 8, 2024

Nostr’s Most Secure Client, Interview w/ Gossip’s Mike Dilger

Nostr’s Most Secure Client, Interview w/ Gossip’s Mike Dilger

There are lots of clients. Gossip isn’t for everyone. But if you are mostly concerned with privacy and security...


Jan 25, 2024

Flare isn’t the Nostr solution you think it is

Flare isn’t the Nostr solution you think it is is supposed to be a decentralized video app for Nostr


Dec 22, 2023

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